Branding, website, stationery, marketing consultancy, digital and design services for marine & offshore consultancy Tadek




Complex offshore engineering. Delivered.

Founded in 2010, Tadek are trusted by global partners to provide dynamic consultancy, complex analysis, and project delivery resources to the offshore industry. A privately owned company, Tadek works with a range of clients in the offshore space including installation contractors, engineering companies, device developers, manufacturers, insurance specialists and field developers. 

To support the continued the growth and success of the company, Director Rupert Raymond wanted to refresh the brand identity, online presence, and wider marketing materials for Tadek and approached Mzuri to support this process.

A new brand identity for Tadek Ocean Engineering

With a name recognised across the industry, we got to work to understand the industry and Tadek’s USP to develop a new, contemporary brand identity. Whilst Tadek operate within the offshore industry, the desire was for a logo which represented a combination of the complex analysis and desire to deliver excellence, with a subtle nod to the colour palette and shapes associated with this sector. 
With marine engineering, wind farms and complex scientific principles in mind, the design process got underway. In developing the identity, we considered font, use of a device, the full company name, and many other elements. We developed a series of concepts and consulted with the team throughout, gathering feedback to inform different iterations of the preferred designs.  
The final logo, with its circular shape so intrinsic to Tadek’s work, reflects the precise work undertaken in a contemporary way, and utilises a wider colour palette to nod to the marine and outdoor nature of the industry. 

Rolling out the new identity

During the creative development process for the logo, we explored a range of concepts with the team to gain their input to shape the brand identity. It also helps to do some early stress testing of preferred concepts to make sure the new logo will work across the various uses including website, brand stationery, exhibitions, social media, so we considered this as the preferred concepts emerged.

Rolling out a new brand identity is an often underestimated task. Every internal and external touchpoint needs to be updated to reflect the new brand. As well as the usual materials such as business cards, email signatures and company stationery, we also created a PowerPoint template, Mailchimp template, social media branding, an exhibition stand and roller banners, as well as supporting their in-house marketing and business development team on other elements of the roll out.

Website Development

Alongside developing the brand identity, we worked with the Tadek team on a new website to build on the success of the business and support the future objectives. To allow the Tadek team to be able to manage the website after launch, the new site was built on WordPress. With a design agreed and refined, the site map was defined to showcase Tadek’s expertise, services and projects, as well as maintaining a personal touch with a new Team page and News section to keep visitors up to date.

Content was reviewed and updated to develop an enhanced tone of voice for communications, and user journey considered to optimise flow and calls to action. Stock imagery was carefully sourced where necessary to support the library of images available, and we assisted in planning and delivering a photo and video shoot, to capture team imagery and collaboration to help bring the website and other communications to life.

Exhibition Stand

As with many industries, there are specialist exhibitions for the offshore marine engineering industry which provide the opportunity to meet new customers and reconnect with existing. We developed a versatile exhibition stand for Tadek to be used at various exhibitions, which had it’s debut at the EWTEC Conference in Bilbao. Working to a tight deadline, we delivered an impactful stand to share the new brand at a conference for the first time. The stand chosen has interchangeable graphic panels to allow for messaging to be tailored to the audience at each event.

Tadek Founder & Director, Rupert Raymond shared his thoughts:

‘We are delighted with the outcome of the branding process. Our new brand is professional, bright, energetic, and dynamic, better reflecting our company value. With particular thanks to the tenacity and professionalism of Mzuri for their support in developing and rolling out our new brand, website and marketing.’

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